Mallory of the Angels

eBook - Conquest of Hell

Erschienen am 26.02.2016, 1. Auflage 2016
5,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781512732726
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 50 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


God Decides He is fed up with the way that Lucifer and his demons have been disgracing and destroying the human Souls on Earth. God calls together a war council to plan a three prong war to end all evil on Earth and in hell, while protecting Heaven itself. God's goal is to offer forgiveness for those devils, demons and evil Souls to repent and seek forgiveness from God for all their sinful deeds. God also intends to offer Lucifer this same offer. All devils, demons and evil Souls who want to come back to the light of God will be forgiven and allowed entrance into Heaven. Those Devils, demons, and evil Souls who refuse God's offer will be immediately destroyed.One of God's armies will protect Heaven while the war begins on Earth and in Hell. A second army of various types of Angels will coordinate the attack on Earth. When Earth is conquered, a third of an extremely trained and powerful army will attack the gates of Hell and begin the destruction of each level of Hell. God orders that Lucifer is not to be killed or severely injured until His special envoy can deliver God's personal message. The special envoy God selected was "Mallory of the Angels". An angel loved second only to Jesus. An Angel of love and forgiveness. This special envoywould require exteme protection while in Hell. Three Angel Generals were selected for this chore, Solrac, Samot, and Noel. When Hell is in the hands of God's forces, Lucifer is captured and brought to Mallory of the Angels. She then proceeds to explain God's offer for forgiveness or for destruction. Luicifer is given a moment to choose.

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