Female Infertility

eBook - Causes and Natural Remedies

Erschienen am 31.12.2016, 2. Auflage 2016
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783961129256
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 82 S., 0.10 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Nicht vorhanden


Far too many women struggle to get pregnant and conceive a child naturally. This generally drives most people to visit a doctor or specialist to find out why they have so much difficulty conceiving and giving birth to healthy, happy babies. In most cases, they're given a diagnosis of infertility. Unfortunately, there are many different reasons for infertility, so this doesn't always help. It's known that ovarian cysts, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis can affect your fertility rate, as can a low sperm count in men. Some people are affected by other hormonal issues or more complicated problems, such as blocked or obstructed fallopian tubes. Even with all the advances made by medical science, there still remains a possibility that doctors simply can't find a cause for some peoples' infertility problems. Yet, what most people forget is that traditional, natural remedies often have a far greater success rate than expensive, often painful medical treatments. Despite a higher success rate, many women still choose to ignore natural treatments and solutions that really could prepare their bodies to conceive naturally, even after being told that they are infertile by a medical specialist. In fact, it's been proven that some fertility treatments prescribed by fertility specialists can increase the risk of contracting ovarian cancer, yet women every day still opt to take expensive medications rather than consider some of the more healthy options of trying a holistic approach. What's more, many of the medical treatments, surgeries and pharmaceutical drugs for infertility don't actually treat the base cause of the problem. Instead, they treat the symptom and attempt to remove it that way. This can sometimes cause more problems than you started with. This Book will look at some reasons for infertility and how using a natural, holistic approach to reversing your infertility problems can greatly improve your chances of conceiving a child of your own without surgery and without drugs. So, are you ready to change your life and become a happy mother? If yes, please read on!


Anthony Ekanem is a non-fiction author. He is a graduate of Management with a Bachelor of Science degree in that field. He is also a Certified Professional Manager. He spends most of his time reading, blogging, and researching when he is not writing.

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