Trends and Issues in Global Tourism 2009

eBook - Trends and Issues in Global Tourism

Erschienen am 25.11.2009, 1. Auflage 2009
62,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783540921998
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 278 S., 6.07 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


As other industries, the global travel and tourism industry has been facing immense challenges and highly visible upheaval since the beginning of the new millennium. The International Tourism Exchange ITB Berlin, the worlds leading travel trade show, aims at pinpointing the most important challenges, identifying the trends and offering a platform to solve pressing problems. The ITB Convention Market Trends& Innovations has developed into a centre of excellence and a driving force for the global travel and tourism industry, generating a much needed information platform. This compilation unites the highlights of the convention in articles prepared by renowned professionals and scientists from the industry. Readers may benefit from this comprehensive vision of the developments that are shaping the structure of the global tourism industry today and in the future. This book is indispensable for tourism and travel professionals as well as for academics and students anal- ing current global tourism and travel trends.


1.- Global Tourism in 2008 and Beyond #x2013; World Travel Monitor#x02019;s Basic Figures.- Between Past, Present and Future #x2013; Implications of Socio-demographic Changes in Tourism.- - 2.- Tourism 2030: Climate Change Is Re-charting the Map of World Tourism.- 2030: Alps Tourism in the Face of Climate Change.- Zero Footprint #x2013; A Viable Concept for Climate-Friendly Tourism in Africa?.- - 3.- Kerosene#x2019;s Price Impact on Air Travel Demand: A Cause-and-Effect Chain.- The Future of the Passenger Process.- - 4.- The PhoCusWright Consumer Technology Survey Second Edition.- - 5.- Developing Southern Mediterranean Tourism:The Interface Between Strategy and Sustainability.- Film Tourism #x2013; Locations Are the New Stars.- - 6.- Brands as Destinations #x2013; The New Tourism Objective for Chinese Tourists.- Luxury Tourism #x2013; Insights into an Underserved Market Segment.- Is Europe One Market or Many? The US Cruise Companies#x2019; Segmentation Problem.- - 7.- Current Developments in the Business Travel Sector.- Welcome to Adventure Land.- Multicultural Interactions During Meetings and Events.- Security on Business Trips #x2013; A New Task for Corporate Travel Management?.- - 8.- The Collision of Civilisations and Challenges for the Global Tourist Industry.- Tractatus Philosophico-Touristicus.

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