Health Disclosure

eBook - The Sequence to Obesity & Disease

Erschienen am 01.11.2013, 1. Auflage 2013
6,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781452585048
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 288 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


A team of doctors and I figured out how to eliminate pain, inflammation, obesity, disease, and cancer to 5 basic elements of health, arranged as a pyramid of priorities. Pain, inflammation and unhealthy weight are simply precursors to disease and obesity arranged in a sequence that begin at the precise point where 1 or more of the 5 imbalances occur. All are symptoms of inflammation, all are caused by imbalances in the pyramid I call the Matrix. Where you are in the Matrix is measured by pH, 7.2 being perfect. By using the Matrix for anyone, for any condition reverses and accelerates recovery past the point of curing to a point of thriving. It makes pain, inflammation, obesity, disease, medication, cancer, and for most, mental illness irrelevant. That pyramid is the fulcrum point from where the sequence of obesity and disease begins. You can stop and reverse ill-health in its tracks by balancing the 5 elements at any point. Blood only becomes alkaline pH 7.0(+/- 0.2) absent of inflammation, to sustain life. PH is the report card of the 5 elements that make up the Matrix pyramid of patient health. The Matrix is the roadmap and the sequence is the path. The difference between existing in a hospital bed, requiring a walker, living with a sore back to thriving can be manipulated by how much you invest in optimizing the 5 elements. The easy part is, prevention and cure for anyone of any disease. Optimization and thriving is where this book wants to take you! Profit has no incentive to change, since profit is working well for individuals that currently control the system, and doctors cant disclose this information without repercussions. The trouble with the health care system is that it is driven by profit and not by incentive for cures. Trauma-care-trained doctors are practicing health care and the symptom is sick care. Treating symptoms intensifies problems because it ignores the factor of time. Health Disclosure is about health care for the 21st century and its about time!

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