The Great Transition

eBook - Bridges to the Afterlife

Erschienen am 31.01.2014, 1. Auflage 2014
8,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781452584812
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 262 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Have you ever wondered if it is possible to stay in touch with your loved ones and share their journey in the afterlife?What happens after death is far too important for us to rely on hand-me-down teachings. We need the authority of first-hand experience. This is what Ann West provides in her moving narrative of her remarkable attempt to continue her friendship with three extraordinary women for many years after their deaths. As we join her on her excursions, we learn about lifestyle and real estate options on the Other Side, the anatomy of subtle bodies, and how the law of attraction applies in all realities. She describes her personal journey, including her discovery of the consequences of bleedthroughs from past or parallel lives, with candor and humility. She draws on the theory and practice of esoteric orders, but comes to understand that the heart of the matter is very simple; we can dream with the deceased, and in dreaming we travel to the realms where they are at home. The Great Transition confirms that there is life beyond life, and that learning and creative evolution never cease.ROBERT MOSS, author of Conscious Dreaming, Dreamgates and The Boy Who Died and Came BackThis book will take you on a very unusual journey with warmth, wit and wonder. Dr. West describes in vivid detail life in the next world as revealed in her own dreams and intriguing visions. Anyone seeking to gain a synthesis of the after death experience will find value, insight and I dare say inspiration in this deeply researched and intriguingly written text. REVEREND LEROY E. ZEMKE, author of Thoughts for TransformationInspired by three remarkable women in her life, Ann invites you to embark upon an incredible journey with her to continue relationships with loved ones as they make the great transition to the Other Side of life.Ann shares her personal experiences of contact with other dimensions, the afterlife, to help you discover new and less painful ways to approach the loss of loved ones in your life. It is comforting to know that the connection is still there and that our goodbyes do not have to be permanent. Because of an increase in reports of the phenomenon of near-death-experiences (NDEs), great interest in the evidence of an afterlife has arisen, igniting a growing trend of research on the topic. In this book, Ann captivatingly reveals past research as well as current scientific research about our contact with the afterlife dimensions.

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