How to Overcome the Spirit of Fear

eBook - Walk out the Danger of Terror & Fear on Earth & Escape Hellfire!

Erschienen am 02.11.2010, 1. Auflage 2010
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781452012018
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 576 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


In this book, Evangelist Ella Knight shares the deep, dark valleys of life that God allowed her to travel through. From a rough marriage, severe financial struggles, vicious attacks by evil workers and more, she shares the experiences that almost caused her to go over the edge. But even more, this book is a guide to overcoming the spirit of fear with which Satan wants to suppress us all. Evangelist Knight couldnt understand why our All Wise and Almighty God Jehovah allowed her life to be so hard, difficult and fearful, until the Lord spoke and said unto her You cant lead where you havent been, you cant teach what you dont know and you cant share what you havent experienced. Therefore, she had to go through the obstacles and be attacked by the demons, devils and evil spirits that our Heavenly Father allowed to be laid in her path, to draw her closer to Him. Now she is able to understand, identify and help His people as they go through the attacks that they dont understand. This minister of God never imagined that life could be so fearful, hard, miserable and difficult until God allowed her enemies to come upon her to chase her into the Potter Hands. Now she cant believe the faith and bravery that God has planted in her and the peaceful, prosperous and joyful spirit that now lives within her. In this book, the author shares that journey from fear to fearlessness.

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